SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Coast to coast and from Alaska to Panama, SEARCH has worked on thousands of projects of every scale and level of complexity.
SEARCH has experience supporting multiple projects onshore and offshore, including the development of heritage management guidance.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
SEARCH staff have professional experience and research relationships on Australia and offshore.
SEARCH has unparalleled experience across the Caribbean. We have worked on 10 islands as a company and another 11 via our staff.
SEARCH has completed projects across multiple countries and we have staff on Guam who can rapidly respond to accelerated projects.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.
SEARCH served on the expedition that discovered Shackleton’s Endurance, and we have the experience and capacity to mount return projects to Antarctica.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin.
SEARCH was the first cultural resource firm to work in Djibouti and we have conducted multiple projects across the continent.
SEARCH is experienced in supporting major and long-term projects across the continent and offshore.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across Alaska, California, Oregon, and Washington.
From the SEARCH Guam Office to our mainland US locations, SEARCH has the capacity, capability, and relationships across multiple islands and countries to ensure peak logistical performance overland and underwater.
SEARCH provides cultural resource services across the Pacific including the Island of Guam, Hawai'i, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, Republic of Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, America Samoa, and Japan.
From the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Mexico, SEARCH has experience onshore, near shore, and offshore for clients across all Commercial and Government Market Sectors.
Oregon, United States
State / Maritime Archaeology
Oregon, United States
State / Maritime Archaeology
Oklahoma, United States
Transportation / Archaeology + Maritime Archaeology + Architectural History
Texas, United States
Oil & Gas / Archaeology + Architectural History
New Mexico & Texas, United States
Oil & Gas / Archaeology + Exhibits & Interpretation
Florida, United States
State / Maritime Archaeology
Alabama, United States
State / Maritime Archaeology
Alabama, United States
Oil & Gas / Archaeology + Architectural History
North Dakota, United States
Defense / Exhibits & Interpretation + History + Geophysical & Geospatial
North Dakota & South Dakota, United States
Defense / Archaeology
North Dakota & South Dakota, United States
Defense / Archaeology + History
Massachusetts, United States
Offshore Wind / Maritime Archaeology
New Hampshire, United States
Power / Archaeology + Architectural History
Maine, United States
Power / Archaeology + Architectural History
Archaeology, Architectural History, History / Defense
Montana, United States
Media / Archaeology + Exhibits & Interpretation
Wyoming, United States
Media / Geophysical & Geospatial + Exhibits & Interpretation
Minnesota, United States
Defense / Architectural History
New Jersey, United States
Offshore Wind / Maritime Archaeology + Submerged Pre-Contact + Archaeology + Architectural History
Virginia, United States
Renewables / Archaeology
West Virginia, United States
Oil & Gas / Archaeology + Architectural History
Puerto Rico
Defense / Exhibits & Interpretation + Architectural History + History
US Virgin Islands
Exploration / Maritime Archaeology
Wedell Sea, Antarctica
Exploration / Maritime Archaeology
Huertgen, Germany
Defense / Forensic Archaeology
Defense / Forensic Archaeology
California, United States
Media / Maritime Archaeology + History + Exhibits & Interpretation
Hawai'I, United States
Deep Water / Maritime Archaeology
Deep Water / Maritime Archaeology + History
Since 1993, we have completed more than 4,500 projects in 48 US states, 6 US territories, and 36 countries spanning 7 continents and 4 oceans.
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